1376 Lamont Dr. | Mableton, GA 30126

(404) 913-3888

Opening : Mon-Sat 08:00 AM– 5:00 PM


Beyond Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy provides an eclectic approach to care. We believe in treating the whole person and empowering them for one full- hour of specialize treatment by a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist. We utilize biomechanical-based examination tools which are sensitive and specific to identify characteristics of Movement Impairments. As a result, we’re capable of identifying abnormal findings that clearly illustrates our unique body of knowledge. We believe, in order to treat Functional Limitations, we must first identify underlying movement impairments that are responsible for the functional limitations. Secondly, we must educate the client about the overwhelming knowledge regarding pain neuroscience, since persistent pain due to musculoskeletal disorders is the leading cause of disability among older adults, surpassing heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and injury.

Ready To Start Your Pathway to Wellness?

Contact Beyond Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy for your Road to Recovery Today.