Beyond Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy
For Restoring Health
Our physical therapist who are musculoskeletal specialist will diagnose, correct movement dysfunctions and enhance overall physical and functional abilities. We’ll perform a total body diagnostic observing for movement impairments responsible for pain and dysfunction. We’ll then create a treatment plan combined with appropriate treatment interventions as well as provide evidence-informed solutions that are ideal and specific to meeting your needs.
4 sessions
8 sessions
12 sessions
Rehabilitation Plan
For Recovery Champions
We will work one-on-one with a client to plan or implement an exercise or fitness regimen. We’ll design a program to improve overall health and condition. After consultation, client can choose a 4, 8, or 12 session package. Each session will be an hour at length.
Upper And Lower Extremity Rehab Program
Our Upper and Lower Extremity Rehab Program is all inclusive, incorporating the entire upper and lower extremity chain. Our physical therapist specializes in treating musculoskeletal injuries involving the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand of the upper extremity, and hip knee, ankle, and foot of the lower extremity. We’ll perform an examination to determine treatment-based diagnosis based upon objective findings and etiological factors.